This is YOUR Lucky Day!
You and and a handful of others (12 in all) have been chosen to be a part of this "Study of Fear." The festivities begin after a small meeting tonight and will continue until the end of the project. It is a study of not only what scares people on the outside, like shock effects and loud noises, but also what scares you inside. Deep in your heads, hearts and souls, what makes you shiver? These questions will all be answered by the time this project is over. Each and every one of you will be given a small notebook to write your thoughts in after each night. And also, to write what scared you, what made you uneasy, etc. Your writings will be shared and discussed after the project is almost complete. Upon arrival you will also receive your handbook (also known as a script) and it is very important that you keep this handbook and use it to your advantage to not only know what might be coming, but to find clues as to where it might be coming from. Though the handbook will be a treasured part of this project, we may and WILL deviate from it as often as we like. There are a few simple rules that must be followed in order for this experiment to work and we ask that you follow them without failure to ensure an impressive end project:
1. The sessions will be closed to anyone not invited BY US. The reasons are simple. The more people that are standing around, the harder is is to control the environment. No guests unless cleared through us and only us.
2. As we suspect some of you to be smokers, we wanted to advise you that there will be smoking breaks permitted at various times during each session and not in between these times. These breaks will last around 15 to 20 minutes each, but may be limited to 10 minutes if needed.
3. The guests are NOT allowed to scare each other. To do so could make you immune to the fears we are creating and executing. So no participants may hide, jump or do anything to scare other participants. This is very important for the project to work.
4. Once you arrive, you will stay until the end of that session, so go to a store BEFORE you arrive. Eat first. At various times, long sessions mostly, snacks may be provided, but you will have to find them on your journey. You will be notified upon arrival if this is the case.
5. Even though it is hard, do not discuss clues or secrets you uncover with anyone other than those in YOUR group. There will be three grouips and in order to ensure everyone has the best possible session time and time again, we'd like to make sure you all keep things among each group. A prize will be given to the group that we feel has done the absolute best job.
6. The structure may change from session to session, as will the props and other items in each environment. Likewise, many halls and/or passageways may become blocked from seesion to session. This is normal. There will be alternate routes to get where you are going.
7. Last rule, but also very important. As you have been given this honor, so have we. We are honored to work with all of you and we want your experiments and sessions to be the best they can be. In order for this to happen, you must forget what you know outside of this place while you are here and immerse yourself into this environment 100%. If you feel someone is slacking, tell him or her and help them get with it. You all must give 100% at all times while you are here. This will make it a fantastic experience for each of you and an escape from the day to day grind we all hate.
Thank you for accepting this offer. Should you change your mind, you must do so before the meeting. Once the session has begun, we expect you to finish the entire project for as long as you survive.
Happy Haunting
Extreme Entertainment
Terror Productions